Getting started
Blackwire provides best of breed self service authentication and secure account management capabilities for Individuals, Teams, and Enterprise customers.
Sign Up Process
Navigate to the Blackwire sign-up page.
You have three options to create an account:
Enter your email, name, and company name manually
Sign up with Google
Sign up with Microsoft
If signing up manually, enter the required information and click "Sign up".
For Google or Microsoft sign-up, click the respective button and follow the prompts.
Account Security Features
After signing in, you can manage various security features:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Navigate to Privacy & Security settings
Set up an Authenticator App for enhanced security
In Privacy & Security settings, you can set up passkeys for passwordless authentication
Login Sessions
View all active login sessions
Log out from other sessions if needed
Personal Access Tokens
Generate and manage API tokens for integrations
User Management
For team and corporate accounts:
Set up ESO/SSO if required
Ensure your tennant is configured to meet your organizations security policies for MFA and Access Controls.
Invite new users via the "Users" section
Assign roles (e.g., Admin) to control access levels
Monitor user activity, including last login
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