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User Feedback

User Feedback

At Blackwire, we value the feedback of our users. Your insights and experiences play a crucial role in shaping the future of our platform. Share your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback to help us enhance your Blackwire experience.

Contact Methods

  1. Email/Web Form

  2. Dedicated Slack Channel (Team and Enterprise Users)

    • Real-time support and collaboration

    • Access via your Blackwire dashboard

    • Available 24/7 with prioritized response times

Providing Feedback on Blackwire Outputs

Your feedback helps us improve the quality of our AI-generated insights.

Here's how to provide effective feedback:

  1. Instructional Chat

    • At the end of each AI response, Blackwire will ask you if you have additional questions.

    • Please reply with any corrections or additional info as you would a human team member.

    • Provide specific comments on what was helpful or could be improved.

Tips for giving useful feedback to Blackwire:

  • Be specific about what worked well or needs improvement

  • Provide examples if possible

  • Suggest alternative phrasings or additional information that would have been helpful

  • Mention if the response was too technical or not technical enough for your needs

  1. /CCOE Tag for Specialized Research Requests

    • Use the /CCOE tag in your chat to request:

      • New research on emerging threats

      • Source review for specific information

      • Updates to our knowledge base on particular topics

How to use the /CCOE tag:

  1. Start a new message in your chat

  2. Type "/CCOE" followed by your request

  3. Example: "/CCOE Please review recent sources on zero-day vulnerabilities in IoT devices"

  4. A member of the CCOE will follow up with you if you are an Enterprise Blackwire user.

Best Practices for Feedback

  1. Be constructive: Focus on how the service can improve

  2. Be timely: Provide feedback as soon as possible after your interaction

  3. Be clear: Explain your thoughts in simple, straightforward language

  4. Be objective: Base your feedback on facts rather than emotions

  5. Suggest solutions: If you identify a problem, propose potential fixes if possible

What Happens to Your Feedback

  • All feedback is reviewed by our quality assurance team

  • High-priority issues are escalated to our development team

  • /CCOE requests are sent directly to our Cybersecurity Community of Excellence for review

  • We use aggregate feedback data to guide our AI model improvements and feature development

Note: Individual CCOE and Support requests are available to Team and Enterprise customers only.

We appreciate your time and effort in helping us make Blackwire better. Your input directly contributes to enhancing cybersecurity for all our users.

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